July 27, 2024
Accelerated Ascension III Pre-Events

Q&A with Alcazar & Emmanuel


Greetings. My name is Emmanuel. The depth and quality of your presence has changed as a result of all the experiences you've had before. As a result of the activation of the ascension templates within you, you have grown significantly. You have become the person that you are today. Your perception has shifted. Your ability to be present has impacted your ability to consciously create your reality. Your ability to connect with others across this planet on the quantum field of humanity, as well as create a major transformational wave of energy that will assist those that are also affected by the rising energies on this plane. Your ability to receive this energy, your ability to be present with this rising energy, has strengthened as a result of the prior experiences, together. Thank you for your question.

Question #1:
What's the relevance of Slovenia in accelerated ascension, the place where the workshop will be transmitted from?

Energy lines, as they run across the planet, congregate and connect with other energy lines creating nodes and supernodes on this planet. The nodes of this energetic grid support the field in which humans live and exist. This energetic grid that spans across the planet serves all of consciousness, most importantly, the awakening of human consciousness.

Portorož, in Slovenia, is such a node, a significant node that connects many energetic lines moving from the African continent, the Asian continent, into the European continent. These energy lines as they are connecting in Portorož create an energetic field, a support mechanism for the practices, the reception, and the level of depth and presence that can be achieved in that field. Therefore, observe and receive the power of such places and amplify this energy to support all of humanity across the planet. Thank you for your question.
As you can see, it is no accident that this place has been chosen, but also this country of Slovenia. It is a place of mountains, of lakes, of incredible beauty; and simply by being there on the ocean, it is so much easier to connect with nature, to connect with the Earth, to really feel yourself as part of this consciousness, Gaia, or Terra. And by being there with that grounded energetic, it allows you to move into higher realms, still connected to your humanness, still bringing in these higher realms into your humanness more easily, more readily. It is a place to feel yourself in a whole new way. Okay?
And there's another layer of significance. These two, Prageet and Julieanne and the Stargate work have been in this very hotel in Slovenia once before in your 2019. They gathered with over 500 Stargaters, individuals who came with the express purpose of anchoring a blueprint for a new humanity. And so beloved ones, this is a place, this hotel, this venue is a place where potent energetic work has happened in the past. It is a place where you will be gathering to create yet another upleveling in the very spaces of higher consciousness which become available to humanity through you. So understand it is through your gathering together in this place that you generate the very field that you are waiting for, for your own expansion to occur. Okay?

Question #2:
How do the guides perceive our ascension process happening in the next few years amidst the predicted chaos, and how can we mitigate these disastrous events with our spiritual participation in your events?"

This is a beautiful question and let us say this: all of humanity, every single person is connected to what we call the morphic field or the morphogenetic field. Your presence, your vibration affects that field. Everyone's vibration, high or low, affects that overall field. When you come together as you have done in the past and are about to create again in the near future, when you come together, you amplify each other's vibration. When you are in a space together, intending to move together into these higher experiences, the amplification that occurs simply between you is magnificent. And then add to that the support from so many realms and dimensions who are coming together to this gathering. When you receive our support into your humanness, and then you radiate and connect with the hundreds of others present and around the world, you create a massive wave of energy into this morphogenetic field of humanity.

And so these processes, as you continue into the so-called future, you are creating waves of consciousness that elevate the overall vibration of the morphic field of humanity. And so everyone, no matter what their current vibration, is gently uplifted. And so even those who are on the opposite spectrum that you perhaps call the dark side or the unconscious, they too are part of this morphogenetic field and they too are gently uplifted. And there have been more and more demonstrations more recently of those who have been focused on manipulation and control in the past. Some of the younger generation are starting to look and say, "No, I do not choose that way. I choose something new." So, as you work with the morphic field of humanity, understand you are indeed uplifting the whole of humanity.

Question #3:
How can we educate our children to develop their life purpose and support their ascension?

Another beautiful question. The first thing to understand is that these new children as they come in at these times, the very new ones, and even those who are now in their teenage and early twenties, they have come with a purpose. They have come to support that which you are doing and to move it into the next level of awakening. This is a process which has been guided, which has been worked upon beyond the veil with yourselves and those who are following on.

So first of all, do not look at the children in a way that they are less than. Look at the children as little masters, allow them to develop in their own way. Do not try and put them into a mold from where you have come. Allow them the freedom, assist them in understanding this chaotic world that they are living in. But the education, so to speak, needs to be one of allowing freedom to explore. This we understand is challenging in your societies as they are right now, but many of those in the education system are also ready to change it. So you can support your children by supporting change in the education system, but also giving them that which you can see will benefit them to allow themselves to continue to be creative, to understand how creation occurs through their own intention, vibration and love. And so it is indeed a challenging time for these younger ones, but trust in their inner knowing, also. Support them in listening to their inner knowing.

Question #4:
How did the guides perceive the role of humanity's ascension in the broader context of the universe?

This is a significant moment for humanity, and as such, the experience in human form is a great gift to be present, alive, to be participating in co-creating this ascension, this maturation and transformational process of the human consciousness collective. All collectives are connected, all planes of consciousness are connected and are one. Therefore your evolution impacts all of consciousness. Your growth, your maturation, you as a collective evolving into a new plane of existence, into a new state of consciousness, therefore increases the frequency, increases the ecosystem of consciousness in its frequency, in its ability to raise above the states that they have been. Therefore, your evolution is connected to the evolution of all of consciousness. Thank you for your question.

Question #5:
How can illness accelerate ascension? How do we turn around hardships into miracles?

As all misalignments come to surface in the rising energies on this Earthly plane, illness and the unprocessed elements of the past will be an ally in your evolution, in your transformation. All the past elements unprocessed, including the misalignments perceived as illness or disease, are to be seen as catalysts for awakening, as mechanisms to remind you of a greater process that requires your attention. A greater alignment within you will support the completion of cycles of the past, will bring forth realizations and the greater alignment within, and therefore will increase your state of wellbeing, allowing any illness or disease to complete in its purpose. Therefore, all aspects of life, including misalignments, carry significant purpose and at this time of evolution, being an important catalyst for transformation. Thank you for your question.

Question #6:
How can we support our physical bodies through these side effects of energetic shifts and ascension symptoms including detox and healing, without using pharmaceuticals for pain?

And so beloved one, it's important to understand the source of your pain. There are so many ways to support the body as it moves through the ascension process. And we have said in the past, pain is always a holding on. There are ways that you can use higher frequencies to move the energy in your body and create an instantaneous realignment, a balancing effect.

You can, in fact, very often in the energy fields when you meditate and simply relax, experience a few moments when pain simply disappears. However, many of you on this path have experienced pains that do not go away, pains that are lingering, that show up again and again. And so it is of vital import to understand that even your modern medicine is a gift from spirit. So it is beautiful. You are wishing to avoid pharmaceuticals if you require assistance. There are so many branches of healing that you can turn to.

There are the ancient, almost lost arts of your herbalism. Where do these modern pharmaceuticals come from? So often these companies are sending representatives into indigenous cultures to find the herbs, the plants that can support. And so we would invite you to broaden your perspective. Yes, look for the root cause of your pain. Look on the emotional, the psychological levels. Those are of vital import because there is always an unconscious protection mechanism in your brain-mind that is anchoring that imbalance in the body. The body is a reflection, but also you can look at your musculoskeletal structure. You can look at your Chinese medicine in the ways it can assist energy to flow in the body. So do not limit yourself to just one pathway. Understand this is awakening, humanity is moving a global renaissance of healing and that will happen through your spirituality, but it will also happen through your science becoming more aligned with integrity.

And there are solutions out there even now as we speak that they're being suppressed. Why? Because they are too effective. This one, Prageet, just received exosomes which are created by stem cells that generate massive potential for renewal, and the doctor who provided these was explaining they could put the rehab clinics out of work, and this is why they're not more widely known. So we would encourage you to love yourself, embrace all solutions that are available to humanity and you will be drawing in the new. So yes, do not settle for the pharmaceuticals, for they are designed to keep you as a customer.

Question #7:
How can people who smoke, drink and eat poorly still have strong intuition and gifts? And will this continue amidst the rising energies?

Your body is amazing.

So we'll give that one to Emmanuel.

The proliferation of an existing spiritual gift does not require full alignment in the rest of the bodies. Therefore, one can truly develop intuition and strong spiritual gifts, yet other parts of their being can find themselves in misalignments, compensating for a certain lack, for a certain gap in their presence.

Yet on the journey of greater alignment, an individual will find themselves consistently seeking greater and greater alignment, and therefore alignment proliferates alignment. An individual that is finding states of alignment of the mind, the heart, the physical body, the energetic-spiritual construct, will recognize what actions are aligned with this newly established alignment: what resonates — and what does not resonate.

Therefore, it is not about establishing rules for yourself, it is about the internal alignment naturally directing you and guiding you to make the choices that feel most resonant. Do not judge others by their activities and by their choices. Do not wonder how they have established certain gifts while still carrying the misalignments that they have. Focus on your alignment, and allow this alignment to continue to develop within you, guiding you forward into all activities, actions, connections and relations, creations of resonance. Thank you for your question.

Question #8:
Alcazar, what are the potential applications of our dormant divine human abilities during ascension?

Beloved ones, you are on a journey, a journey towards that which you call enlightenment. We have said in the past, we have reminded you, that you are an eternal being. You have lived in other planetary positions before you became human. You have come from enlightened civilizations from around your universe and beyond, some of you. So you do not have to work hard to become enlightened; it is just a remembering process. It is a process of letting go of the limitations that you have been living through on your human journey, over perhaps hundreds of lifetimes. You came here to participate in an experience, an experiment.

So if you have been enlightened before, why do you not simply drop now, into enlightenment? Because beloveds, there is joy in the experience. It is joy in rediscovering little by little who you truly are, what you can do, how much more you can feel, how much more you can start to relate and communicate with other dimensional beings, the star families, but also the nature realms, the dragon realm. Other realms are available to you. This is a vast, vast experiential playground.

And so your process of awakening is gentle, savor every single step along the way. We have said in the past, enjoy eating your food because in times to come, you will not eat anymore. There will be no need. So enjoy this 3D experience. Enjoy this physical body as it is. Appreciate the messages that it is giving to you through the physical, emotional experiences of being human. And yes, you are on a planetary evolution. Your Earth is about to join the universe. It is accelerating, as you have heard, but enjoy, savor every moment, every experience, and then at some point in your future you will return back to that enlightened state. Enjoy the journey. Enjoy how existence opens up to you as you are ready for each revelation in your life. We thank you for a beautiful question.

Question #9:
Emmanuel, what role do the Elohim play in humanity's ascension, and how can we connect with them more deeply?

Through agreed upon projects and interventions, the Elohim provide their support for the evolution and the ascension of humanity. This support includes the projects that you experience as the Stargate, as well as this community of Evolution One. Yet recognize that even despite the support that is provided to you by the Elohim through many different conduits, it is you, the individual, that requires to choose this evolution for themselves — the completion, the alignment, the deep state of presence, the expansion of consciousness, the journey to become a conscious creator of your own.

The journey to understand the non-dual connected nature of oneness, that is yours to embrace. The processes, the mechanisms, as well as the experiences provided to you alongside with the messages and the words are merely a guiding force, yet it is yours as an individual to choose, as that is your free will.

Humanity will request consistently to have all of their past completed for them. Humans will request the realizations to emerge immediately and complete cycles of pain, suffering and misalignment; the incomplete past shall magically disappear by the intervention of higher powers. Yet this process of ascension requires a fine balance of intervention and support, yet allowing you to be the one that chooses, to be the one that learns, to be the one that completes and evolves so that you are truly empowered in your journey as the one that has chosen and completed the journey themselves. Thank you for your question.

Question #10:
Alcazar, we all need this work as the Earth's energies rise. How do we help those who are not consciously on an awakening path through intention and practice?

Understand beloved one, that when you are simply on your own life's journey and you elevate yourself beyond where you have previously been anchored, whether that is through energy experiences or whether that is through letting go, completing the old cycles of the past as Emmanuel is speaking of, whenever you free yourself, you free up pathways in the morphogenetic field that connects all of humanity and in truth, those of you on the spiritual awakening journey are having impact that you cannot possibly even know of. Your impact is invisible, your impact is silent. And yet if we could give you a glimpse of how you assist in humanity's overall expansion into greater freedom, greater calmness, and a greater honoring of all life, we would ask you to ponder this.

Take a moment, think about the greatest shift in your own consciousness that you have ever experienced. The greatest moment of transcendence, the most blissful perhaps, or the most free you have ever felt, for higher states impact each individual uniquely. Some of you are wired for bliss and others are wired for clarity. So take a moment to recall moments of expansion that you have tasted, that you have experienced, and now simply think about how vastly distant those moments of expansion are from your ordinary waking reality.

And you will start to get a sense that when you enter these states, the impact that even just one individual can have greatly, exponentially, outweighs the ordinary waking state. It creates a phenomenon in the field that connects you all. Now imagine an entire group, thousands of people around the world, all entering that state simultaneously in the same moment of time together. And you will start to realize that even a small group of individuals can have an outsized impact, and the impact you are making is vast. Yes, you are providing an opening into those spaces, but beloveds know it well, you are also providing a clearing on behalf of your nations, on behalf of your planetary civilization.

Question #11
Emmanuel, where are the rising energies coming from in our galaxy or universe? And were there times in Earth's past when there was a similar escalation of energies?"

This known universe, as you experience it, consistently goes through cycles of increasing energies. These cycles affect various galaxies and different segments of the universe. At times, specific alignments within the universe proliferate and amplify the rising energies additionally. These cyclical waves of rising energies provide the fertile ground as well as the catalyzing force for change, for transformation, for evolution. Therefore, observe these waves and these rising energies just the way the waves of an ocean would occasionally rise and occasionally calm. Just the way nature provides cycles of change, this rising energy is such change. Your solar system was meant to align at this time with the rising energies. Therefore, it was understood that humanity's state of maturation would coincide and align with this particular time, allowing the maturation and the awakening of humanity to be supported by these rising energies. These waves of change have occurred before and have assisted many other civilizations and forms of consciousness to evolve or to complete their physical existence, and to iterate again for a new iteration of learning and growth. Thank you for your question.

Question #12:
Alcazar, when I am immersed in a meditation with you or Emmanuel, I am so focused on finding and maintaining the stillness that the 3D world falls away. Tell us more about how we will manage both worlds and what it will be like when we are to embody our multi-dimensionality.

Beloved one, you are on an adventure. It is not for us to tell you the highs that are coming to you. We encourage and support you to drop into these places of stillness, of silence. Drop into these places where you can connect more readily to that which we call your superconscious self, or your higher self if you prefer that term. In that stillness, in that closer connection to the higher aspects of who you already are, then your humanness starts to experience the guidance, the inner guidance from your super conscious, you guiding you. Your super conscious awareness, guiding your humanness.

This silence, stillness, allows you to hear, feel, sense, the inner guidance of your true self. And as you allow and investigate and flow with that inner guidance, you willl find yourself in situations in your daily life that encourage new, beautiful tastes; awarenesses, even in regular situations, that you didn't have before. When you connect with someone, you find yourself feeling them in a whole new way, understanding them in a different way, not reacting to them because of who you think they are from the past, but responding to them in the moment and creating a whole new evolving relationship, rather than the static relationships that you tend to hold with people right now. As you start to discover this inner stillness, this inner silence, whole new experiences open up to you. You are all unique. You will all have these discoveries in different ways, at different times. So, rather than trying to guess or be told what is going to happen, drop into the stillness, welcome your own intuition, this inner guidance, and enjoy the journey.

Question #13:
What is the most effective thought we can hold as holders of light as we ascend vibrationally?

The most effective state of being requires no thought at all. In fact, a thought is an element that separates you as an individual expressing a diverse perspective. If you truly seek the evolution of humanity and your support, it is that expansion, that dissolution into oneness that will proliferate and support the awakening of all of humanity. Yet in moments of individual expression, you will recognize that the dualistic nature of this reality will seek for your attention. The mind, the heart, the body will respond to this attention seeking of reality. It is for you to remind yourself that you can truly hold a higher perspective, a higher state of being no matter the human experiences you have. It is for you to remind yourself, and feel within, that moments of silence are truly golden. Therefore, coming together in these groups and communities, in these gatherings of witnessing and experiencing oneness, is the greatest choice you as an individual can make in your support to the ascension process of you individually and all of you as a collective. Thank you for your question.
So beloved ones, as Emmanuel has highlighted, the greatest space that you can hold is this space of no mind, that space that transcends your ordinary human experience. There are so many ways you can express in this reality, and yet whilst you are in one particular form of expression, you are locked into one trajectory. When you gain the ability to pull back into that vast silent space, you are suddenly able to see all of the trillions of rabbit holes of thought that are happening in your reality. And so indeed, it is not a particular thought that you can hold to assist in humanity's awakening. It is the very transcendence of thought, the transcendence into a space that enables you to know thyself as a beingness, because then you are holding open for humanity itself to also transcend. There are so many systems in your third dimensional reality that are simply ready to crumble. There is an infinite potential right now, so much support from spirit for the very breaking down of these old systems and yet the establishment of a field of thought within humanity that longs for something higher, is still waiting to crystallize into place.

You can see the divisiveness that is occurring in your societies. This is intentionally seeded here. It is to keep humanity from the very awakening that is on your doorstep, for the powers that be wish to divide and conquer as they say. So, when you look upon your world and you see this divisiveness, we wish for you to see it for what it is. It's a silly game that people play because they wish to fit in to a certain social group. We wish for you to transcend these perspectives and to hold within you the desire for all of humanity to be cared for, for all of humanity to have the opportunity to grow beyond the current structures and for the new ways to be established: new structures that can truly support individual freedom, freedom to live, freedom to breathe, freedom to pursue your own unique life's path.
Beloved ones, it is naturally within you, this drive to awaken. The mind takes this and wants to be there now. But in order for this process to flow, you need to be in the now. You need to be with what is happening within you and around you with a little more awareness. So yes, you already want to be enlightened. That is the mind wishing to be there now, be more present in the moment. Be more conscious of how you are, whether you are responding to the situation or reacting the old habit patterns, the old ways of being. So, be more present in the moment and that will take you a little faster perhaps to the goal. But if you are in the moment, there is no rush, you are simply enjoying the now.

When you gather together, you all bring yourselves into the now, into that place that allows your natural progression into your own evolution. And this natural flow amplified by hundreds and hundreds of you, creates this beautiful wave that can bring with you people around the world that you do not know, who will never know you, but who will benefit from this wave of energetic support coming from you as humans, rather than the support coming from the other realms. The support for human to human is extremely beautiful and it is part of why you are here now. We thank you all for joining us for these moments together. It is a wondrous joy for us to be here with this one Asil and the whole crew, the whole team from Ascension One and supported by the beautiful Stargate team also, we indeed moving together into wonderful times.
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