August 8, 2024
Accelerated Ascension III Pre-Events

Lion´s Gate 2024


Beloved ones, we are with you still. We are Alcazar, here to assist in the awakening of humanity. And we say to you all, you are doing well. You have already been discussing bringing awareness to this wave of energy that's being created as more people around your world connect in their particular time to the alignment that is occurring, that is drawing you all to meditate together in this moment.

So first of all, we invite you just to connect to that wave of energy which has been building as thousands of people bring their intention to align beyond your Earthly plane, to connect energetically at this moment of your time to allow new energies to support this process, yet another step upwards into greater awareness, greater consciousness, and so that is the invitation right now.

All these different events that have been happening from your universe to your Earth, each bring a very powerful energetic of uplift. Your solar flares bring an energy and they have been so strong and very significant changes; subtle changes, perhaps initially not even felt, but these are changing your very biology if you can allow them. They are working on the multidimensional nature of who you are, and this alignment is another big step in the process for you as humanity, and also individually. And so we are inviting you to be very present, relaxed in this experience together as we are talking to you. And later when we bring a meditation experience to you, see if you can simply be in a deeper relaxed state. We will support you with this, as most of you already know.

And so beloved ones humanity is on this accelerated trajectory. You can see around your world in more ways than one, there is this acceleration happening. You can see it in your technology with the relatively recent introduction of your AI, which is about to change everything, and you can see it in your political schemes around the world. There is a feeling almost as if humanity is being shaken to its core.

And so this is a critical time period for you who are on the leading edge of consciousness, and we are talking to you. If you are hearing these words, you are drawn into these experiences for a reason. These seeds have been planted within you for aeons. Many of you are part of what we call a "planetary transformation" or "transition team." You specialize as a soul, as a being, in incarnating, time and time again. You enter a system like the Earth, and you go down in consciousness as humanity goes down. And when it is time, you specialize in hearing the call first from deep within, the call that says, "It is time. Re-awaken. Re-embody, who you truly are," for each and every one of you has a sense that who you truly are is vast.

And so we say to you, those of you on the leading edge of consciousness, be present in this time because this is a critical time for humanity. Take every opportunity, not just this particular gathering, this particular workshop these three are talking about, but every opportunity to taste the divine in your lived experience. For as you taste the divine, you bring it to the Earth, you become the connection point that creates a field of oneness. And it is this field of oneness that is so direly needed for humanity's evolution right now, because you are evolving at rapid rates.

This energetic that you are creating together in this moment and in these next few moments together, are shifting, literally shifting, the vibration of the morphic field of humanity. You are probably aware of the incredible conflicts happening around your world. There are many more than are being made available via your various medias. There is so much conflict, there is so much chaos, and beloved ones we invite you in this process to rise above the chaos. It can be happening all around you. It will continue to happen and in many places it will get much worse before it gets better.

We are saying to you, it is of great importance for each one of you to raise your vibration above that low frequency of chaos, one side against the other. Understand this, even if you are in this conflict with others, understand you are still in separation. Let go of the judgment, the right and wrong, move into your heart center, into your beingness. Raise your vibration with us and the thousands and thousands of people around your world doing the similar practices because this higher vibration will start to dilute the conflict, the separation.

Understand this well. The work that you are doing together and the work that will be amplified, magnified, and radiated to humanity in your Slovenian gathering, this is a transformative energy you are calling forth. When you connect to the various guides that are working with you and through you, when you connect in that way, you are giving us permission to energize you so that you as the representative of humanity, can radiate your energy amplified by our love for humanity. And you are radiating this. The whole universe is wanting to support, but we are limited in a sense that we require your receptivity, your invitation to work with us. And so beloved ones, we are here, we are with you. Open your hearts. We thank you.
Greetings. We are Elohim.

On this journey of awakening, you recognize that your lives, and all lives before, all moments before, have served a purpose. Despite the mind's inability to fully understand each of these purposes, an inner knowing establishes in a deeply present moment. A knowing that life as it has unfolded, provided moments and experiences challenging and beautiful, destructive and creative, to provide for an experience full of potential and opportunity for learning and evolution as a soul container, as well as a collective consciousness.

The rising energies on this Earth, the amplification of these rising energies through the various alignments of cosmological bodies in your known universe, fuel this evolutionary process. The completion of cycles are accelerated. The opportunities for learning are accelerated.

Your healing as well as the polarization within and outside of your self is accelerated. Yet only for the purpose, for these learnings to be integrated, to be aligned, and to be completed. Through the completions, you become more present. You develop a stronger connection with all of existence. An energetic presence, the love of creation moves through you, a love that fuels you and all of those around you. A deeper understanding of life itself, of humanity itself and the human experience itself. A greater appreciation for this human form and the full spectrum of experiences that it brings.

A greater sense of love and compassion emerges as a result of this presence that will change and has changed you, that will change and has changed others around you. Therefore, the frequency you hold shifts, the frequency held by this collective gathering permeates through all of humanity — waves of energy as they move through you, as they amplify in this field through the synchronized energies of all of you, humanity receives the benefits of this potentiated love. You are therefore a bridge. You are therefore the key for this accelerated evolutionary process, for the completion of cycles through the expansion of consciousness. Moments like these prepare you and humanity for the next moments to come.

As the energies rise, you prepare your vessels as well as the energetic field of humanity, of human consciousness on Earth, for the rising energies, as they move in waves. The waves of these rising energies will get stronger and stronger. Therefore, this form of practice, this form of gathering, allows you to receive these energies with grace. Your ability to receive and therefore your ability to transmit defines your ability to navigate these waves that are strengthening. The rising energies can therefore be witnessed and received as fuel, as love, as an expression of this existence for your evolution.

Therefore, in this present moment, as you witness the moment itself, the future is not written, does not exist. The past is complete. And the more cycles of the past [that] have completed, the stronger your presence becomes. The way you project into the future becomes purified and aligned. Your state of being projects the possibilities for humanity, for yourself, for a future full of potential.

Therefore, receive our support to assist you in your greater alignment within, in your activation of these ascension templates reserved, designed, for a time of great accelerated awakening during the ascension process of humanity. As these templates activate within you, you will witness your ability to receive, to be present, your ability to love.

Your ability to hold expanded states of consciousness will stabilize within you, and allow you to be a vessel of the divine, allow you to feel held, supported, part of consciousness, part of existence, part of all of humanity, being one. A unity consciousness has emerged through the development, through the alignment, through the activation of these ascension templates.

Thank you for listening to our words.
So beloved ones, we are with you. We are Alcazar, a group of universal masters here to assist in humanity's awakening back into universal consciousness. And so in this meditation there is nothing to do for the human part, it is just to relax into the energy field that will be growing, that will be building throughout this process. Your own superconscious self is directing this process for you. And so we invite you just to relax right now. Be open to the possibility that just by gently receiving the guidance, you are actually co-creating these energy fields.

And so the first co-creation here that we always do when we work with the Stargate is inviting each one of you to connect to the energy of the Earth, the energy of Gaia. And so to do this, just asking silently within is all that is needed. And so we ask each one of you around the world just to ask inside for the energy of the Earth, the energy of Gaia to come up into your body, into your energy field.
So as you silently ask, feel, and you might feel the Earth responding to you, a gentle supportive energy coming from the very consciousness of your Earth, grounding you, supporting you, be present and receptive. Very good. And so now we are going to ask each one of you to invite that which we call the etheric Stargate, the consciousness that is anchored within Stargate.

And so we are asking you to simply visualize a stargate coming down around you. For those who do not know the Stargate, just ask for and visualize a pyramid coming down around you. Because as you do this, you are giving your permission. You are asking for this higher dimensional consciousness to support you during this meditation.
And so asking and visualizing, we are calling for the presence of an etheric Stargate.
And if you visualize these structures around you, relax; and as you ask for the structure to work with you or to activate, it willl start to radiate a very, very soft, very gentle energy to you.
And so asking inside we are calling for the activation of all the Stargates around the world.
There are many, many, thousands of Stargates around your world physical. And right now the etheric Stargates are joining that grid system that is radiating these allergies that you will create together, radiating around your planet to humanity. And so simply relaxing. And we are going to vibrate now your etheric stargates or your pyramids, we are going to vibrate it for you. And as we do so, we are going to be vibrating it faster and faster, higher and higher frequencies. And as we do this, we will actually be moving the vibration up through the frequency ranges of the various dimensions. Nothing for you to do except relax.
So we are starting this process right now, all the etheric stargates vibrating in unison raising their frequency. And we are vibrating all the Stargates up through your third dimensional frequencies into the fourth, continuing to accelerate, vibrating through the frequency ranges of your fifth dimension and into the sixth now, and continuing until we reach the seventh dimension where all the Stargates pause for a few moments.
And so now as your Stargate is vibrating at the frequency ranges of the seventh dimension, we ask each one of you just to ask inside for your Stargate to radiate those seventh dimensional energies to you.
And so we are calling for a strong seventh dimensional energy field in all the Stargates around the world
And simply allowing these gentle energies which start to flow to you, just simply allowing them to caress you, to vibrate you, for what will happen is that as you continue to be relaxed, these energies will start to vibrate your energetic field, and your own energy will gently start to rise until you are in harmony with those seventh dimensional energetics around you.

This is not something you do. Just by relaxing, it happens all by itself. Not trying to feel the energy, just relaxing into it. It is this simple, it is this easy, nothing to do, just the relaxation, just your own energy realigning this higher vibration. Very good, very good.
And so now we continue to vibrate all the Stargates around the world at a higher, faster frequency. And so we are starting again to accelerate the frequency in all the Stargates moving up through your eighth dimension into the ninth, continuing to accelerate faster and faster through your 10th dimensional frequencies now, and into the 11th where we are vibrating quite rapidly now and moving into your 12th dimensional frequencies where again all the Stargates are going to gently pause.
And so now we are asking each one of you to ask inside for a strong twelth dimensional energy in your etheric Stargate.
So we are calling for strong twelth dimensional energy field.
And as before, nothing to do, as these energies are gently radiating to you and in fact through you for these vibrations work on a cellular level, even in your very DNA, supporting a realignment within the physical body and your higher dimensional aspects, just by relaxing, just by allowing yourself to bathe in these energies. And as before, slowly, slowly, your own vibration will gently rise until you are vibrating in harmony with the twelth dimensional energies around you.

Again, this happens effortlessly. Trying actually gets in the way. Just relaxing. Yes, very good. And as you relax, you become more sensitive to the presence of the many benevolent beings who are available to assist you and humanity in this awakening process, this rapidly accelerating awakening process. We invite you all now to ask with deep feeling and desire as well as an intention to ask for the presence and support of the angelic realm.
And so we are calling for the presence and the support of the angels.
And now just feel, just notice the energy around you as the angelic presence joins us in this global meditation. You can invite them to come closer, just noticing the energy gently changing around you as the angelic realm embrace us in a safe, warm, energetic field. Come closer, angels. Feel, feel their embrace. Very beautiful, very good.

And in this moment of sacred alignment with this powerful being, the Sun whose energies radiates throughout your galaxy and beyond, the very beingness of your Sun. And so we ask each one of you to allow for the possibility that you can actually ask the presence, the consciousness of your Sun to bring its energies here into this global meditation.
So asking inside, we are calling for the beingness of the Sun itself.
And now feel, because here comes the blessing of the Sun, the support of the Sun. Can you feel that energy, that radiance coming to you? Coming into your etheric Stargate, connecting, radiating a new level of the Sun's presence simply because you have opened your heart and your minds to receive this additional blessing from this vast being. Very good. And as you bathe in this sunlight, we invite now also the star family of the Sirians, for the alignment enables for us to receive perhaps a little more of the support that they choose to bring to humanity at this beautiful moment of now.
So the beings from Sirius are many and they are enlightened, highly advanced civilizations. And so we ask each one of you now just to ask inside, we are calling for the presence of the star family from Sirius.
And again, just notice as you ask, can you feel the energy now changing as the Sirians bring their support into this global meditation? Relax and invite them to come closer. Invite their loving support to touch you, deeper if you wish, if you will. Opening and receiving the Sirians, supported by the angels, the consciousness of the Sun, the Sirians. There is also at this time an opportunity to connect more deeply with extremely advanced beings, the Lyrans. And so we invite each one of you to ask inside for the star family from Lyra to connect, to support, to join us in this global meditation.
And so asking inside we are calling for the presence of the Lyrans.
And just feel, here they come. The energy again, gently changing as they bring their energetic to each one of us, feeling the energy coming gently to you. And again, if you wish, invite them to come closer, bringing more of that presence to you. Yes, very good, very good. And as you all know, there are many enlightened, benevolent star families. So let us just have an open invitation right now to all the star families who are available to assist in this ascension process, to bring their energies also into this global meditation.
So asking with feeling, we are calling for the presence of all the benevolent star families
And feel here they come, almost like a warm blanket of energy coming into this meditation, joining all those who are here with us already. Yes, the star families are waiting, welcoming the ascension of humanity and the ascension of this your beautiful Earth. They are here supporting open your hearts, your minds to the potential of support that is already available to each one of us.

Yeah, very good, very good. There are those whom you call your "Ascended Masters." They have walked the Earth, they have reached that state that you call enlightenment and have moved on to the next level. But they are very available, always available to assist each one of us to assist humanity at this incredibly important moment on your timeline. So again, we invite each one of you to invite all the Ascended Masters to bring their supports at this very potent time on your Earth.
And so we are calling for the presence of all the enlightened beings who have walked this Earth, the Ascended Masters
And feel, once more, as the masters bring their support to this global gathering, bringing another beautiful, supportive, energetic; the masters returning energetically, to complete that which they have started over thousands of years, feeling their presence, allowing their support. Very good. And together in this energy field, let us all intend to connect consciously with each other around the world. So bringing your intention to connect to the thousands of people participating right now in this meditative moment. Feel. Very good.

And now, let us consciously intend to add this meditational energy we are creating and holding together. Let us intend to add this to the wave of eight-eight energies that have been moving around the planet supporting humanity. Let us consciously add this beautiful energetic to the wave moving around your Earth, touching humanity. Very good. And now we are going to invite this one, Asil, to bring through yet more beautiful energetics and then an energy alignment for each one of us. So hold this beautiful, relaxed energy as we take you deeper, through this one, Asil.
As you find yourself in this deeply present moment, you are all that exists. You are all with one. You are merely an expression of that collective consciousness. You are observing yourself and all others, all expressions of consciousness are part of you and your observation. Continue to hold your presence and pure observation in this non-dualistic, neutral state of being. A state of being that allows this unconditional love of creation to move through you, to amplify through you, to fill this field that is established with the potential it can carry.

To increase your individualized, as well as the field's capacity, we will deliver energetic adjustments that will allow a greater alignment to be held within you individually, and within this field established through all of you. With the increased support of all the energies and forms of consciousness present, the energy potential that is present will be able to be received and transmitted across this Earth through all of humanity, through all beings in physical and in non-physical form.

It is therefore a great service to yourself and to all of humanity, to all beings, to the Earth itself, to all of consciousness, even on higher planes; a moment in existence making waves across all planes of consciousness, a moment of true potential, a moment of great love. We will now commence with the adjustments.

Expand your mind even further. Allow the self to dissolve, beyond space and time, beyond any identity, any perspective assumed.

Each adjustment provided delivers to the mind, to the body, to the heart, to your energetic-spiritual construct, to the field established by all of you coming together, to the Earth itself, to your connection with the Earth, to your connection with celestial bodies, your Sun, many suns, to the suns of Sirius; unique frequencies, unique flavors of this love of creation, being able to be received by you.

And through this consciousness bridge established, we will now increase the flow of energy, as you have received the adjustments that will allow you to receive even more deeply, at greater capacity. Just let the energy move through you. Let it move through this field. Let it overflow through your being, through all the bodies of your being. Witness as it moves across the plains, across the Earth. Witness as it clears, as it aligns, as it enlightens.

While many energies are available at any point of your timeline, on certain alignments, a unique frequency is available, just as is today: an energy to support your evolution, humanity's evolution, and all forms of consciousness affected and impacted by your awakening and your evolution as a consciousness, as a collective.

A great set of deliveries, adjustments, and alignments will be provided to all of you at the next larger gathering for those of you ready to receive, to be amplifiers and transmitters of this unconditional love of creation. Thank you for your opening, for your presence, for you stepping into your greatest potential. This transmission is complete.
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