Evolution One catalyzes the transformation of human consciousness by empowering individuals to embody their highest potential and self.

Our Vision

Our mission is to empower, inspire and uplift individuals towards their highest potential by creating transformational and spiritual experiences which allow the individual to find deeper inner alignment, and the innate power and peace within.

Evolution One is a non-profit organization established in the US as a 501(c)3 (DBA of “Ascension One Collective Inc.”), headquartered in California. It was established to assist individuals and the human collective during this time of great transformation. The organization is composed of a team of visionaries, joined together to create and sustain all the offerings provided to the community and to broadcast its message to as many people as possible.

Evolution One stands for the evolutionary journey we undergo to remember and embody our nature as one collective, as one consciousness, to internalize and live its highest potential. This realization is a reminder that the conscious evolution of one single individual has the potential to transform all of humanity. 

Evolution One delivers energetic and consciousness-expanding experiences that catalyze and accelerate personal and collective evolution – the evolution of human consciousness.

The organization is led by Asil Toksal, who serves as both the visionary leader of Evolution One as well as a conduit of transformational energy and spoken wisdom from higher and non-dual sources of consciousness.

Evolution One offers its spoken wisdom and energy transmissions through personal development courses, integration support, gatherings, events, and expeditions.

Portrait of Asil

The organization is led by Asil, who serves as both the visionary leader of Evolution One as well as your host. 

Asil receives and transmits transformational energy and spoken wisdom from higher and non-dual sources of consciousness. This benevolent energy and wisdom is an unconditional gift intended to support humanity’s evolution.

Learn more about Asil

Our core programs include:

Pillars of Light Artwork

Pillars of Light Pathway

The Pillars of Light Pathway is a three-level training program spanning a year to align your entire being for service to humanity.
Sacred Earth artwork

Earth Keepers Pathway

The Sacred Earth Pathway is a three-level training program spanning a year to energetically support the Earth.

Foundations Course

Foundations is the first level training for both the Pillars of Light and Sacred Earth Pathways.
We envision a world where all human beings are living as conscious creators, existing in harmony with the Earth.

Ways to support the mission

Evolution One seeks to serve all those who feel called to partake of our resources, regardless of ability or means. Therefore we rely on the support of those who wish to provide the generative resources to extend this work as widely and equitably as can be delivered.


Guiding Principles

Evolution One, as an organization, holds in its core the importance of this unprecedented time of transformation of humanity and the impact of this transformation on the individual, society, and humanity in its co-existence on this earth..

Every member of this organization – from board member, core team, to volunteer, and participant – walks their own path to their greatest potential, to their greatest realizations and embodiment of these realizations, while they have associated themselves in service to this great evolution.

Evolution One carries no other agenda but to proliferate humanity’s awakening and evolution as a consciousness through supporting individuals on their personal evolutionary journeys towards self-realization.

As an organization we strive to provide our support to the individual choosing to embark on a journey of evolution, learning and realization. We provide intellectual, emotional and energetic support to allow the best possible circumstances for this sacred process of growth. 

We utilize technology as well as the human connection as a medium to communicate presence, wisdom and energy. No matter the method of delivery the individual’s subjective human experience is honored and accepted as their pathway to growth. 

How a person chooses to evolve remains their free will.

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