The Earth carries consciousness and is intrinsically connected to our evolution as humanity. The world needs more Sacred Earth Keepers to support this process.
The Earth Keepers Pathway teaches individuals to connect to the energetic centers of the Earth and to find deeper alignment with her and the life force she provides us. The pathway is meant for those who feel a strong calling to serve the Earth by energetically tending to sacred sites, energetic grids or sites of global trauma.
”The entire globe of this Earth will require many individuals to be guardians, supporters, and transmitters.”
"These individuals that will subscribe to this task will be supported by us in their development: their own form of accelerated evolution.
Individuals that have subscribed to this path will learn to bring the connection, the altered state of their consciousness, the deep level of their presence to all locations, to all cultures, to all circumstances that they face."
Wisdom, energy transmissions and alignments will be delivered specifically to strengthen your connection to Earth. As you progress on the path, you will learn to energetically support the Earth and the energetic grid.
"The current timeline of humanity's evolution requires the full capacity of this energetic network of this planet and of this plane to be operational at its highest capacity to allow the flow of energy, information, of love, and the correlating life-force to move equally and powerfully."
It's never been a more important time to remember our sacred connection to our Earth. As the Earth’s energies are rising, now is a powerful time to expand your consciousness and find your alignment in the midst of the planet’s increased polarization, severe imbalances and rising frequencies.
Because we are intrinsically connected to the Earth, and, as stated by the Elohim, the architects of our reality, the original design of human beings contains embedded templates ready to be reactivated. Everything carries energetic frequency, and the frequencies delivered through this pathway open dormant and innate capabilities to work with the Earth.
"Before service is initiated, the individual must find itself in full alignment, must find itself in deep connection to this Earth, as well as in deep connection to the higher planes of consciousness..."
"Therefore this form of divine service can only be executed if you have found your balance, your harmony, your alignment, and your foundation.
Our support will be to assist you to find greater levels of this aforementioned balance, alignment, and harmony."
Level I: Foundations develops a stronger energetic foundation in each individual to allow for ongoing consciousness expansion. Deepen your connection to yourself, to higher consciousness, and the Earth. This process often includes a shedding of layers of trauma and adjustments that enable a greater alignment within.
Earth Keepers: Level 2 opens and expands one’s ability to connect to the Earth's energetic field. Through three transmissions and weekly group exercises, you will attune to higher levels of energy to expand your consciousness and deepen your energetic connection to the Earth. This new awareness prepares the participant for the final stage of initiation.
Earth Keepers: Level 3 initiates you as a Earth Keeper in Service with the ability to receive and transmit energy to support the Earth's energetic grid. A Sacred Earth Keeper is one who has achieved a high level of alignment and can transmit energy for the highest benefit of the planet and all beings.