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Special Workshop

Evolution of Spirit - Vienna In-Person Workshop

Saturday, November 25, 2023
Asil will be offering a special day of sessions, talks and interactive experiences in this day long workshop in his hometown in Vienna. A unique opportunity to come together as community and also bring friends and family to experience the beauty and potency of the transmissions and the guides.

Since I am spending this month of November in Vienna and delivering the work of the guides for the community from my hometown Vienna, I had an idea… 

I thought “Lets hold an in-person workshop for all those that are willing to travel to Vienna!”

The name that emerged in my meditation was “Evolution of Spirit”. We are immortal beings –Spirit experiencing a momentary illusion of the physical form. We can evolve to live and love life better and in a more aligned and conscious way. 

We learn to evolve in a way that is delivered by divine guidance and we do this in a loving community. These moments we have together in person are therefore very special, and a desired break from the laptop screen as our gateway to community and human connection.

This event will be open to beginners, friends, family and those you want to bring along.

During this workshop on Nov 25, 2023 we will have two (each 3 hours long) sessions, as a participant you can choose to do one of those sessions or do both together. 

  • The timing for Session 1 is from 10am - 1pm 
  • (optional) Lunch between Session 1 and 2. 
  • The timing for Session 2 is from 3pm - 6pm
  • (optional) Dinner together after Session 2.

*Each session will have a limited seating capacity of 30 participants. You can purchase to be in both sessions.  

Each session with include elements of 

  • An inspiring talk on spiritual themes, like
  1. How to be a Pillar of Light in a world of increasing duality and polarization?
  2. How do we bring our loved ones and friends along on the journey?
  3. How do we become Service providers and provide for ourselves? 
  4. How is our spiritual development connected to the Earth’s evolution and sacred sites around the world? 
  5. And many more themes we can explore, based on what emerges in the moment
  • A Q&A with the participants on these themes
  • Guided Meditation and Energetic Transmission
  • Wisdom Channeling and potentially a Q&A with Emmanuel
  • Hands-on-Healings
  • Quality time together

And as an added bonus one of our community members will be accompanying these sessions with live instruments – the healing sounds and frequencies of the gong and tibetan bowls. 

The location of the “Evolution of Spirit” Workshop will be in a wonderful Yoga/Meditation Studio in Burggasse 1070 Vienna, Austria. 

You will receive the exact address and details on what to bring and how to prepare upon sign up on our event page:

Please do not arrive without a confirmed ticket as we have very limited seating for this event. 

As these opportunities to come together are rare with my busy schedule, I am inviting you open-heartedly to join us for this special event. <3

Event details

Date & time:
November 25th
10am CET (Vienna)
Current time zone: USA/Los Angeles
  • Session 1 is from 10am (10:00) - 1pm (13:00)
  • (optional) Lunch between Session 1 and 2. 
  • Session 2 is from 3pm (15:00) - 6pm (18:00)
  • (optional) Dinner together after Session 2.

Hosted by


Asil leads Evolution One as Executive Director. He also serves as the primary conduit for receiving and transmitting transformational energy and spoken wisdom from higher and non-dual sources of consciousness. This benevolent energy and wisdom is an unconditional gift intended to support humanity’s evolution.

More info about Asil