The Evolution of Consciousness

Evolution One’s primary focus is to support the transformation of humanity within the specific challenges of our time. Our work to support individuals is uniquely empowered by higher consciousness guides who broadcast transmissions in the form of spoken wisdom and energy.

Discovery Series artwork

Discovery Series

Have you felt that there is more to the world – and to you as a human being – than meets the eye? Perhaps deep questions have arisen within, like “Who am I? What is the purpose of life and of existence?”


Our mission is to empower, inspire and uplift individuals towards their highest potential by creating transformational and spiritual experiences.

Humanity’s journey of awakening lies in your hand and in the choices that you make as an individual.
ELOHIM, the architects of this reality


Elohim Transmission

You Are The Key

Portrait of Asil smiling

Meet your Host: Asil

Asil receives and transmits transformational energy and spoken wisdom from higher and non-dual sources of consciousness. This benevolent energy and wisdom is an unconditional gift intended to support humanity’s evolution.

Asil’s Journey

Like many initiates drawn to the spiritual path, Asil’s journey began with the realization that the life he was living lacked meaning and purpose. Although he had reached a high level of professional success, he found himself unsatisfied and depressed. He began to question the meaning of life and existence, which spurred his journey of spiritual discovery.

Learn About Asil's Journey

Level I: Foundations

FOUNDATIONS is your first step towards becoming a Pillar of Light and Sacred Earth Keeper.

Foundations is the first of our advanced level course offerings and the entryway to the Pillars of Light and Sacred Earth Pathways.

is a two-week online course that supports your journey of awakening and self-realization.


Explore Evolutionary Concepts

Evolution One meets you at your stage of consciousness evolution. Experience the energy through the transmission videos in the core concepts below.

Conscious Creator
Conscious Creator

Be Your Own Creator. Become a master of your own reality and your own creations.

The Self
The Self

The Self is so much more than who you may think you are. You are not only your body or your mind. You are an energetic and spiritual being having a human experience.

Conscious Earth
Conscious Earth

The Earth is not only our home, she is also a conscious being whose purpose is to support both life and the consciousness of humanity. Through connection with the Earth we all can heal, align and evolve to our highest potential as human beings.