September 5, 2024
Accelerated Ascension

Accelerated Ascension III - Day 1 - Session 1


Beloved ones, we greet thee. 'Tis Alcazar. Feel now, as we already bring a soft energy into this space. Can you feel? Relax and feel. The support that is available now is stronger than it has ever been possible for a very long time. We ask you to keep your eyes closed. This will assist us building the energy and supporting you in your own individual, unique, process. We work with you individually through your super conscious self or your higher self. You are the one guiding your process. The higher aspects of you are guiding the energies that come to you. We are not imposing, we are offering.

And so we are going to ask each one of you now just to ask inside for the energy of Gaia, the energy of the Earth, to come up into your body, into your energy field.
So we are calling for the energy of the Earth, the consciousness Gaia to come up into our bodies, into our energy fields.
Just feel the Earth responding. Star families call her the Blue Pearl or Terra. Feel. She is a consciousness. She is overjoyed at the transition that's happening for humanity. And now we ask each one of you to ask inside for an etheric Stargate, the consciousness of the Stargate, to come down around you.
So we are calling for the presence of an etheric Stargate.
Just imagine or visualize yourself inside one of these structures. These physical structures are an anchor for a higher dimensional consciousness. By inviting that consciousness, the etheric Stargate to come to you, it will be amplifying this process for you. Very good. And in a moment, we are going to start vibrating your etheric Stargate faster and faster. There's nothing for you to do. We will do this for you and with you. And we start this process now.

We are gently vibrating all the physical Stargates and all the etheric Stargates faster and faster. As we do so, we move the vibration up through the energetic levels of the different dimensions. As we are vibrating all the Stargates now, they are also connected around your planet. And so as we start to raise the vibration, this vibration moves out around your Earth. We are already vibrating at the level of the fifth dimensional energetics. Now we merge into the frequencies of the sixth dimension, merging now into the seventh dimensional frequencies where all the Stargates are coming to a gentle pause. And so we ask each one of you now to ask inside for a strong seventh dimensional energy field.

So we are calling for a strong seventh dimensional energy in all the Stargates around the world. And your Stargate begins to radiate to you these seventh dimensional energetics. Nothing to do, just allowing self to relax. These soft energies vibrate you on a cellular level. In fact, they can vibrate your very DNA. You have what we call higher dimensional, nonphysical, DNA. And this DNA carries the wisdom and knowledge from all your past lives. Not only the human ones, but lives that you lived before you came to this Earth so long ago.

Relaxing into these energies and slowly, slowly your own energy gently rises until you are vibrating in harmony with these seventh dimensional energies around you. Effortlessly, not trying to feel the energy. Trying gets in the way. Just relaxing and allowing. Very good. And we continue now. We vibrate out of the seventh dimensional energetics up into the frequencies of the eighth dimension.
And vibrating faster still as we move into the ninth dimension. And continuing through the frequency ranges of the ninth into the 10th dimension now.
And continuing into the 11th and finally merging into the 12th dimension where we pause, and we ask each one of you to ask inside for a strong 12th dimensional energy field.
So we are calling for a strong energy field of the 12th dimension.
And just feel as again, your Stargate begins to radiate 12th dimensional energies to you. And slowly, slowly, your own energy field will continue to rise until you find yourself vibrating in harmony once more with the Stargate around you, effortlessly. Very good, very good, relaxing and allowing. And you will find that as you vibrate at this level, you become more sensitive, more perceptive of the different guides who are available to work with us. You will feel them when they bring their energies into this meditation, wherever you are. And those with inner vision will be able to see these guides coming into your space. We are going to ask you to work with us to call in the different guides. So when you ask, ask from a heartfelt space, with a strong intention but a deep desire to feel these guides as we call them in. So together now, let us ask inside for the presence and support of the angelic realm.
Alcazar/Julieanne: So we are calling for the presence of the angels.
And just feel, here they come, just noticing the energy changing around you as the angels bring their loving presence into this space, into your etheric Stargate, and just inviting them to come closer, come closer. And we are being gently vibrated by the loving angelic energies just because you asked. The deeper your desire, the stronger your yearning when you ask, the stronger the response from the guide. And so now we are going to ask you to invite the presence of the one whom we call the blessed mother, Mary Maria, to bring her energies to support this global meditation.
And so each one of us asking inside, we are calling for the presence of the blessed mother, Mary.
And feel, here she comes, Mary Maria bringing her energy. She comes gently and then her energy gets stronger. The blessed mother coming and joining the angels. Feel her presence, inviting her to come closer if you wish. Maria, come closer. Yes. Beautiful. Divine feminine energy, divine motherly energy, an energy that we all yearn for, on some level. Yes, very good. And now another master whom you all are aware of. He is the one known as the Buddha. And so we ask each one of you to invite his presence also.
So we are calling for the presence of Gautama the Buddha.
And feel, here he comes, divine masculine energy, the Buddha. Again feeling him coming into this meditation, the Buddha joining the angels and the blessed mother. Yes, very good. With each guide that we invite, you can feel their energy coming. Then after a moment, they merge their energies with those who have come before, creating a stronger and stronger field of oneness, enlightened energies surrounding us all, right now.
And another ascended master wishing to join you now. He is from the Buddhist lineage. He is the one known as Maitreya. And so we ask each one of you just to ask inside, we are calling for the presence of Maitreya, and feel. Here he comes.
Feel, relax, and feel. Very good, very good.
A divine masculine, super compassionate energy. Maitreya.
And another master who comes regularly to the Stargate meditations, she's the one known as Kwan Yin. She carries the vibration of compassion. And as we have said so many times, compassion is sorely needed here on your Earth at this time. And so asking inside from your heart as well as your mind for the presence and support of Kwan Yin.
We are calling for the presence of Kwan Yin.
And feel as her loving energies join this meditation. Kwan Yin, here she comes, feeling this, inviting her to fill you with compassion. Compassion for your own self. Compassion on your journey of awakening, and compassion for others, and compassion in different situations that you might find yourself in. Compassion is love and wisdom combined. Using your love and wisdom to step beyond the old ways. To lovingly allow yourself to evolve with no judgment about how you have been, just the joy and perhaps excitement about who you are becoming. There are many masters. And so instead of naming them all, we are going to invite each one of you now to ask for all the ascended masters, those who have walked the Earth and become enlightened, and chose to share their wisdom with others.
So asking with a depth of intention. We are calling for the presence of all the enlightened ones who have walked this Earth.
And so feel, for they are coming as one, the ascended masters. Here they come, almost like a warm blanket of energy, coming closer. If you have a particular master, you can invite them personally. And so we are being held in a growing energetic of oneness.
And as you may know, this Stargate project is overseen in your universe by the ones known as the Elohim Council of Angels. And so we are going to ask each one of you to invite the Elohim to bring their energy here in a stronger way.
We call for a stronger presence of the Elohim.
And feel.
Here they come, getting stronger.
The Elohim.
Just because you asked. Yeah. Very good. Very good. Very good. And so now we like to invite some of the star families from whence each one of us has come. You have lived elsewhere in the universe before you became human. You may not remember yet, but your star family knows you, and are patiently waiting for you to reach a vibration and an understanding that allows you to connect with them directly. So right now, we are going to ask you to trust that you may have a star family and now to ask inside for your star family to bring their support into this global meditation and into you.
So we are calling for the presence of our star families.
And again, just feel, here they come. Just feeling the energy that's coming to you. Just feel it, not asking questions, just receive the vibration. The more you can receive the vibration of your star family, the more it will start to align you to them. And then the answers to questions will just start to arise within you. So beloveds, just ask your star family to be with you right now and throughout these days together. Very good. Very good. And so as we hold this energy together, an energy field that is already encompassing the globe, we are going to invite this one Asil to bring through energies and words to support this process.
Greetings. We are Elohim.

This transformational process you are undergoing as a human being, as a human collective, is part of your divine evolution. A great evolution, an expansion beyond your imagination. Beyond this human form, human consciousness expands. And in this evolutionary process, you will not be alone. You will be supported, you will be guided, you will be assisted. Yet it will be your experience. It willl be yours to own. It will be yours to consciously choose, as this human experience remains at your will.

This time of great awakening, accelerating, invigorating, fueling all of humanity, starting with those that have come with great experience, that have come with great openness, and that have come with many experiences that have prepared them for this very moment. And in this moment, all of you, all parts of you, all past, present, and future, all dimensions of your being are present. In this very moment, you are, all of you, beyond space and time. In this very moment, you represent yourself and the human consciousness collective.

Expanding into this non-dual state of consciousness allows you to transform beyond the limitations you have observed and you have lived. Beyond the perceptions established, the conditions developed, you are becoming the greatest potential version of yourself. The multidimensional nature of your being is ready to be activated, yet all constructs within your being — your mental, emotional, physical, your energetic-spiritual construct — will be prepared to receive this work that will be delivered over the coming days.

As part of this preparation, your innate trust in yourself, in life itself, in existence itself, your trust into the moment itself, will be a significant aid for you. That surrender, the relaxation that is formed by this trust will assist you to move through the barriers of resistance, through tensions, through constructs held over many generations, over many cycles, over many forms; an evolutionary process greater than the natural evolution that has occurred within humanity, a supported, an accelerated evolution preparing you in your ascension process.

Thank you for listening to our words. We will now deliver the first set of energetic adjustments in preparation for the days to come. Receive in silence and relax into these adjustments that are delivered into this field that's generated.

[Adjustment work done]

You are being prepared to receive and energy of increased frequency and vibration, of increased potency. All parts of your being must be aligned to receive the greatest possible energy for you, for this field that is created. The network that is established through this Stargate can bring a significant energy through the network and the grid of this Earth can receive a significant energy. The field that all of you hold as a global community can receive a significant energy, yet it is in these moments of true expansion when this energy is received at its full capacity. And over the days to come you will be prepared to receive even more until the energy levels have come to a place to justify the activation of the ascension templates so these can continue to operate within your being and support your evolution and the evolution of humanity in its ascension process.

Thank you for receiving this transmission.
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