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Asil at Lemurian Life Expo

Friday, June 21, 2024
Join Asil this June 20th - June 24th in Mount Shasta for the Lemurian Life Expo. Asil will be one of the 13 master guides that will offer a distinct fusion of ancient Lemurian wisdom and avant-garde cosmic intelligence.

June 21st - 9:00 am - Awakening Humanity: Insights for a New Era
This session offers energetic adjustments and celestial wisdom for this new Era of Awakening. Experience a profound channeling and discussion to set the stage for a transformational weekend inviting you to open your minds and hearts to the possibilities of personal and global evolution.

June 23rd - Attuning with Earth’s Energy Through Sacred Sites - Trinity Tree
This powerful off-site experience combines the grounding energies of the earth with celestial guidance. Through channeling and energetic attunement, harmonize both the land and your spirit, enhancing your connection to the Earth and the cosmos. This session offers a peaceful retreat to deepen your spiritual connection, promoting inner peace and unity with nature.

June 24th - 2:00 pm - Empowerment Through Conscious Creation Workshop
This workshop is a unique opportunity to dive into both personal empowerment and collective evolution. Experience a blend of energy and wisdom transmission, designed to amplify your inner light and align with higher energies. Whether you seek to enhance your creative power or contribute to collective growth, this workshop is a powerful experience for individual development and self-realization.

Event Details

June 21-24
9 am Pacific Time

Hosted by

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