October 2, 2024
Elohim Transmission

You Are The Key


Greetings. We are Elohim.

This transformation of humanity starts and ends with the individual's transformation. You are therefore, and always have been, the key to the evolution of consciousness in human form. While it is a collective endeavor, it is expressed in the individualized lives that everyone lives. In these individual lives, every moment that is experienced is, and carries, a wealth of information: a wealth of potential, a wealth of possibility, and the emergent realizations that come from these moments. Therefore, trillions of moments, trillions of realizations, every minute, every hour are possible.

While you may postpone these realizations to be had at a later time, reality will respond consistently and persistently for you to have these realizations, one way or another. And experiences and constellations in life will consistently challenge, until the challenge is met with open eyes, open hearts; until you are able to feel, to see, to witness and observe that challenge; until you realize that the challenge is not personal, until you recognize that the challenge is and can always be met with love, until you feel the unconditional nature of love embracing you, until you can embrace with this unconditional love all that has been challenging you. And in this moment of witnessing and meeting the challenge with love, the challenge itself dissolves. It no longer is required to bring forth a dualistic experience to have realization. The realization is provided in this expanded state of observation.

What are the moments in life that you allow yourself to witness yourself? What are the moments in life you allow yourself to witness another, truly and deeply? And beyond the witnessing, when are the moments where you allow yourself to truly love yourself? To truly receive the love of creation in its purest form, from within, until every cell of your body has been fueled with this love, until the frequency of your being exudes pure and unconditional love? When are the moments that you see, witness, and express that unconditional love that moves through you to another?

You will recognize that you find love with conditions. In certain states, moments of being, in certain constellations and conditions, you will be able to sense love for yourself and another. And this sense and feeling of love will be overwhelming and beautiful. And as the conditions change, you will sense heartbreak, disconnection, sadness, loss, and grief. You will recognize that this love that was based on conditions is hard to hold onto, as you cannot control the conditions that are consistently changing.

Therefore, in this emergent experience of the expansion of your consciousness, of the expansion of this present moment, you touch upon the deeper love: an unconditional and unlimited and unwavering love, a love that is always present for you as you make yourself present for it, a love that touches upon all aspects and all parts of your being, a love that knows no bounds, a love that will penetrate through the walls and the barriers, the resistances you have established; a love that will consume all aspects of your being, including the darkest, the most dualistic, the most suppressed shadows of your existence.

And as you allow yourself to be consumed by this unconditional love of creation, as you surrender all aspects of your being — all thoughts, beliefs, perspectives; all attachments, all direction and confirmation of life to this one moment of true unconditional love.

As you become love itself, you recognize that all else was merely a momentary experience, and you may perceive it as an illusion, a dream — a dream to come to realization, a dream to learn to evolve in the many facets, in the many unique expressions of the human form, that every expression, that every experience, that every challenge played an important role for you to come to this moment of true unconditional love. As you recognize that you can truly be unconditionally loved, as you recognize that all aspects of you are equally loved, even the most unlovable aspects of you, you recognize that you can find that love within you for others.

Each realization, therefore, is a step towards this embodiment of true unconditional love within. Each realization, therefore, is a step towards the evolution of human consciousness, the ascension of human consciousness as a collective. Experiencing the moments of realization, discovering a deeper sense of peace, discovering a deeper sense of love in the moment is merely one aspect of this evolutionary process.

In these fields that are co-created with all of you coming together, accessing this unconditional love will be easier. And over time, this pathway to this unconditional love becomes more familiar and easier to reach, even by yourself, even in moments that are not conducive to feeling this unconditional love — moments of challenge, moments of many conditions, moments of pain, moments of great emotion, moments of great polarity.

And you recognize that there are many more steps to be taken as a human being. You recognize these steps to be taken are not to be perceived as a lack, or a negative judgment of yourself or the human experience. These steps are to be perceived as opportunities to learn even more, to expand even more, to find even more pathways to this unconditional love within.

And all challenges, while they may continue to exist in many variations and forms, you will witness, you will observe with this expanded perspective, you will allow yourself to feel all emotions that there are. If it is sadness, you will feel sadness. If it is anger, you will feel anger. If it is grief, you will feel grief. If it is happiness, you will feel happiness. Your heart will be capable of feeling it all. The emotions will be momentary. They will, once truly felt, transform and return you to a neutral state. Even the emotions are observed as they are felt.

You will recognize, in the polarizing moments of life, in the polarizing experiences of society and this civilization, touching upon the deeper sense of love will be challenging. Yet even that challenge itself is a realization waiting to emerge. What are the conditions you have placed on society, on civilization, on the powers that are at work, on the leadership you have chosen to lead you? When did you lose your faith? Your trust? Your love for the possibility of change, for the possibility of transformation, for the possibility of realizations to come? When did you allow yourself to become stagnant, resistant, closed, biased? And how will you open yourself to a greater transformation, allowing the energy that is stale within you, that is stagnant within this human field, to move?

Many of you, as you open the doorways of perception, of emotion, of energy; in the first instances, many will feel pain — emotional, mental, physical, energetic pain. Yet observe that pain as it moves. Observe as this energy transforms. Do not hold on, as the pain is emergent. Release any meaning that you apply to this pain, and allow the energy to move.

And as the energy moves through you, as realizations start to climb into your consciousness, into your heart, into your body, into your being, witness the expansion that is now being filled with this unconditional love: a love that has always been present for you, a love that has been present for all of existence, for all experiences, for all emotions, for all thoughts, for all perspectives, for all ways of living, a love that you now have returned to, a love that you recognize as your home.

You are, therefore, the key to this unconditional love. You are the doorway to open that love through you. While you may seek that love in others, you must first find it within yourself: a love that is so bright that all shadows, all barriers, all obstructions, confusions, all judgments and dualities will vanish in the presence of it. Only that unconditional love of existence remains. And you become that vessel of this unconditional love, allowing it to move through you, allowing it to shine through you, trusting that all other aspects of life will fall into place, all other aspects of life will be nourished by this unconditional love as it has been fueling all aspects of this creation.

Your physical body will be fueled by this love, your emotional center, your mental center, your energetic-spiritual construct; all of your creations and expressions will be fueled by this love. How can that which is said, that which is created by this unconditional love not truly be in alignment with the being that you are and that you are becoming? How can these creations not open doors for others, inspire and bring this unwavering presence into their journeys of evolution?

Therefore, the evolution of humanity is in your hands. The evolution of humanity is in your hearts, in your minds, and in your bodies. The evolution of humanity is reliant upon your individualized choice to evolve. And in this true sensing of the unconditional love of creation, you have found a home that has always been yours, a familiar place, a familiar energy, a familiar state of being.

Thank you for listening to our words. We will now commence with the adjustments to assist you on this continued journey inward, on this continued journey to being that key to the evolution of consciousness in human form.

[Adjustment work completed.]

Thank you for receiving this gift of ours. This transmission is complete.
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