April 22, 2024

New Living Expo 2024


Greetings. We are Elohim.

Over the course of your life, you have witnessed many experiences, deemed good or bad. And these experiences have been stored as experiences that you can process in the moment, or that will be processed at some point later in life. And equally to you, your ancestors, the ones that have lived before you, have experienced moments like that, and at occasion have continued to defer their unprocessed to the next generation.

And over the existence of humanity's time on Earth, a significant amount of unprocessed experiences have been deferred to this current generation alive. While you may perceive this occurrence as an unfair experience, it is a natural unfolding of a consciousness evolving. And you, your ancestors, and all of those that are alive with you, all of those that have lived before, all of those that will live after, are all one and the same as a collective. There is no separation or difference, in that sense, from you and any other soul experiencing the human form. While you are unique in the way you see, you feel, you witness, while your gifts and your realizations contribute to the collective in a unique way, you are all equal.

It was expected and known that humanity would come to a state of maturation of its consciousness where it could reach states of expanded consciousness that would contribute to the realizations necessary to complete the cycles of the past, so that both you, and all of those that have lived before you, can complete the cycles of realization, so that all of you can evolve into greater alignment, naturally embody a higher frequency within, and witness and the power of creation within you. This is part of the ascension process of the individual and the collective of humanity.

As the rising energies on this Earthly plane, naturally catalyzing and invoking the awakenings of many, accelerating and intensifying those awakening processes of you, it is a prerequisite to place attention and intention towards this unfolding.

Reality as you have perceived it, believed it to be true, is changing in your perspective. What is real is held within a certain perspective, a certain frame, and it is truly real from that perspective and frame, just the way an experience detrimental, emotional, or potentially hurtful to you is real in your experience. Yet perceived in the future, perceived from the outside, perceived from an evolved perspective, you may notice that the experience itself was a mere illusion to deliver you a moment of intensity, the potential and the nurture ground for experience and evolution. This dualistic reality requires the tension between creative and destructive force to allow for the bandwidth of experiences possible in the human form.

Our support to you is a support of expanding your consciousness, of providing energetic adjustments so that these realizations and these completions can occur in an accelerated way, so that you can walk this life in an aligned, in an expanded, in an elevated evolved way, so that you can find your service as a human being, your service to the evolution of consciousness, to the evolution of humanity; your service to yourself in your growth, in your existence; your service to your loved ones, and those around you; your service receiving the gifts of your extension of generosity and love.

Thank you for listening to our words. We will now commence with the energetic adjustments.
Thank you for receiving this gift of ours to you, to your life, to your loved ones, to your path in this human form, to your evolution as a civilization and as a consciousness collective. This transmission is complete.
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