January 2, 2024

In-Person Workshop Sedona, Jan 2023


Greetings, we are Elohim.

The journey that you have walked as a human being has brought many challenges, many beauties, and experiences with it. You have witnessed yourself prevail, being broken, expanding, loving, being closed, being in despair. You have witnessed yourself go through many motions of being human.

And yet a part of your being, your soul, the awakening soul within you, has always witnessed you in this process with great love, appreciation, great care for you as you walk this journey of being human.

And all choices that you have made as a human being, all choices that were made for you as a human being, have served a significant and important purpose. No time was ever lost. Every experience fueled the collective consciousness of humanity in its evolution and in its potential for evolution.

The disconnect that most humans experience with themselves and with this human life are the unrecognized opportunities for realization, the unprocessed elements of the past within your lifetime, within your lineage, within past lives lived. Yet the potential is right here, right now. It has never been less or more, yet always available to you in this present moment.

Therefore, in this moment, the depth and quality of your presence brings forth great opportunity for transformation and evolution, for realizations to emerge, for the unprocessed to be processed, for the incomplete to be completed.

And as a soul, you witness this great evolutionary process within yourself, within your being — the potential to be seized in the moment, the power of your entire being to be emerging in this moment, the dissolved energy into the past of your existence, into the projections of the future, being brought into this very moment. The true potential and power you hold, therefore, is nowhere else but right here, right now within you.

Our gift to humanity is realizing this potential, bringing forth the opportunities to transform, creating the space for all of you to find yourselves in your greatest depth and truth, to recognize the power that you hold within, the seed of consciousness, and the seed of creation.

As all aspects of conditioning — of thoughts, of emotions, even the misalignments of the physical body — dissolve, the quality of your presence increases, and the power you hold to walk this life as a conscious creator increases.

How will you live as you recognize this power within you? How will you love? How will you share? How will you inspire? How will you be? How will you create as a result of this emergent power within you? A power that is fueled by great alignment within your being, a power that is increased through building capacity to receive this love of creation that permeates to all of existence, the fuel that creates all observable, as well as the unobservable, non-material realms. A source of energy provided to fuel this creation; a loving energy, a pure light of creation.

Therefore, can you witness all of creation with the purity that it holds, with the seed of consciousness, with the love of creation that it has received to exist?

This is the journey ahead for you and all of humanity, to discover the potential within you, to discover the potential as a human collective. To discover the beauty of consciousness evolution through learning and realizing through all of the experiences made and ever made and will be made.

Yet as you receive this clarity, your present moment increases in its potency. Your presence shifts; the way you perceive reality, the way you perceive yourself and others, shifts. You recognize the divine in every aspect of life. You recognize the divine in every action you have ever taken, every action you have not taken.

Yet you still operate in this dualistic realm, in a dualistic form. Intrinsically you are programmed and designed to avoid destructive energies and to receive creative energies. Yet the dualistic reality requires both energies to be present, in great balance, to provide you with the experience of this form. Many cycles, many seasons of life, consistent iteration, to evolve, to learn, for consciousness to recreate in matter, for you to return into a new form and learn again.

This is the life in human form, yet the awakening soul will recognize the divine energies at play, the mechanisms at play. The non-dual aspect of your being will be activated and be present even in the most dualistic experiences of the human form of your life.

This part of you will witness and observe, a quality of non-attachment, no judgment, of pure presence, in its purity, representing the love of creation creating and destroying in great cycles, within you and outside of you.

This shift of perspective will require the facing of beliefs formed, conditionings that you have received from this life and past lives, the traumas held, the challenges received and perceived, within yourself and outside.

Yet the shift of perspective will also allow you to bring forth a new level of presence into your life, into your path, and into your walk as a human being. A new way of being emerges within humanity, starting with you. An expanded and aligned, a deeply loving, generous and connected way of being. A way of being that will hold a strong alignment, despite the challenges observed.

You are therefore a pillar of light. You are therefore an individual seeking greater alignment within, and eventually recognizing that this alignment within you wants to be shared generously and lovingly. This becomes your service, your extended service to others, to humanity.

Every aspect that emerges — as a doubt, as a fear, as a worry — is truly merely an opportunity: an opportunity to be witnessed, an opportunity to be transformed, to be realized, to be loved; an opportunity to emerge into the greatest being that you can be, that you will be.

This is the way you will orient yourself in choosing the moments ahead, witnessing opportunities of growth within yourself and outside of you; the reality around you, reflecting to you the reality within you. Therefore, the greatest misalignments of humanity are the misalignments carried within, the unprocessed elements of the generations before, accumulated and provided to the next generation to learn from and to come to realization when the time has come.

And the time for the great awakening of humanity has come, represented in the awakening of the individual, represented in your awakening, represented in your natural extension of service and care for others awakening.

Consciousness is evolving. Yet this evolutionary process will not be with[out] great challenges. Evolution is sparked by emergent challenges, yet observed in the right way, received in the right way, will allow the emergent awakening soul to rise to the challenges of this dualistic world and reality, and to provide the presence unprecedented: an alignment, a love, a light, a creative force of this creation moving through you, shared through you, witnessing through you.

Who will you be as a result of this change? How will you rise to the challenges of humanity's greatest awakening process? How will you rise to the greatest challenges within you and your awakening process?

This evolutionary process within humanity is recognized and supported by many forms: civilizations beyond the material form, the higher realms of consciousness, providing great level of attention and presence for this process in humanity, for this process within you.

Yet it is yours to complete. It is yours to receive. It is yours to integrate. Only your realizations will allow the collective to realize and emerge. It is, and has always been, humanity's experience, opportunity. We are mainly here to support, to witness, and provide assistance. Yet the realizations are yours to have. The path is yours to walk, the choices are yours to make — and have always been.

As you become significantly more consciously aware of your reality and of yourself, of the power that you hold within, you start to create consciously, you become a conscious creator in human form on this Earthly plane.

How does a conscious creator choose to create? If you have found all the love you have always sought, if you have found all of your desires and wants ever had being met in the moment, how will you choose to create? How will you choose to live? How will you choose to dedicate your path to the service of the evolution of humanity, the evolution of consciousness, and the awakening of the individuals?

How will you apply yourself in gracious and loving ways? How will you accept other perspectives to be valid and true in the experiences that they're perceived in? How will you hold the greatest and widest perspective possible, allowing existence to be, allowing this reality to exist, allowing others to choose to live the lives that they have chosen, the experiences that they have chosen to have?

This presence will be the greatest transformational power you can bring forth into your present moment, into your presence with others, into your presence within humanity. All of your creations will hold this frequency, all your words, your emotions, and your thoughts will hold this frequency; and the gifts that emerge as a result of you holding this level of presence are the great gifts that have always been part of the human template.

Power is to be unlocked and awakened, activated at a time of great awakening, reserved for individuals on the awakening path, on the alignment and purification, on the enlightenment and ascension path. And the gifts that emerge as a result of following this path are a representation of the progress, and the gifts that emerge are gifts to be shared generously to the evolution of consciousness, to the growth, to the realizations of others and yours.

Thank you for listening to our words. We will now commence with the adjustments.

<Adjustment work done.>

Thank you for receiving this gift of ours, in support of your evolutionary process. And may this gift be recognized, be held, and shared as a gift for all of humanity. Our work is complete.

Talk Session

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