September 22, 2024
Elohim Transmission

Balancing Dark & Light


Greetings, we are Elohim.

In this human experience, you have witnessed creation and destruction in many forms of cycles, small and big. The cycle you have understood to witness is the cycle of your life: your entry into this perceived one life experience, and the closure of this life experience.

It was consciously kept in this frame of perception as just merely one life experience was plenty to receive and to understand. One life experience would deliver significant amount of information, significant experiences, and significant realizations. While other lives, while other forms of existence were kept, for those that would evolve as a consciousness, they will not be completely hidden from the individual, merely waiting to be opened at the time of its consciousness expansion as an individual and as a collective.

For you to understand and to realize that you are more than the individual that you're currently assumed to live as, is in itself a great awakening state. For you to recognize that you are more than the body, the identity that you have assumed in this lifetime, is a great step in understanding the eternal journey that you are on as a soul.

The many lifetimes you have assumed, the many experiences you have had, the many realizations that you have completed, the many realizations to be completed yet, all culminating in this very moment, in this particular lifetime, with the set of experiences, the set of individuals building relationships with you, the set of experiences to provide perspective, to provide stimulus, to see in this particular way yet the learning itself is multifaceted. The learning itself is multilayered and expands beyond this moment and beyond this lifetime. It is a learning for the many lifetimes you have lived. It is a learning for the collective that you represent. It is a learning for all of consciousness.

Yet first and foremost, you are experiencing the moment in its full glory — in its creative power, in its destructive power, in the full spectrum of emotions, sensations, perceptions — you are experiencing the beauty of the human form. Without the destructive aspects, there would be no cycles of creation.

Therefore, the creative and destructive cycles require a balance — a balance that is not constant and static, yet consistently oscillates between greater creative cycles, greater destructive cycles, waves of creation, waves of destruction, ultimately balancing itself out — providing a more organic and natural expansion and opportunity for the variability of life.

As an individual, you may seek greater stability in life, you may seek greater predictability of life, you may seek the ability to avoid the stimuli of life. You may seek coping mechanisms, you may seek the ability to manage the moments and the intensities that unfold before you and within you. Yet despite this training, despite this consistent expansion of your consciousness, these waves of change, these waves of creation, these waves of destruction are part of the cycles of life. Therefore, no matter which wave and which part of the wave you are in, can you perceive the beauty of the moment, nonetheless?

Can you witness the love of creation being present in all of the cycles? Can you perceive that love beyond the thoughts that you may have, the judgments you may hold, the interpretations and the meanings you may apply? Can you witness that love of creation beyond the emotions you may have about yourself or the moment itself? Can you witness that love of creation beyond the sensation of your physical body?

That source of energy, that source of life, and that source of love is omnipresent. No matter the cycles, all cycles are fueled by that love of creation. Every moment is receiving, and as a result of that reception, creating the manyfold experiences of life.

The uniqueness of your moment is your gift to all of consciousness, to your life. This gift potentiates, as you find yourself in an ability to perceive the moment even in greater expanded states. This gift potentiates, as in these expanded states of perception, realizations emerge and cycles of learning complete. This gift potentiates as you enter a new step in your self-realization journey, in your journey to become a conscious creator, in your journey to embracing the power and the potential that is within you that always has been within you.

How much of this love of creation can you truly receive? How much space have you created for yourself, within yourself, to hold that love in its pure expression, in its pure unconditional nature?

In a moment, we will enter a deeper state of non-dual perception. As the energy rises in this field that is established, in this non-dual state of perception, you continue to observe the power and the beauty of this love of creation, the power and the beauty of creative and destructive cycles, the power and the beauty of this consistent balancing and rebalancing of these forces of nature, forces of creation, that are part of this dualistic form.

The meaning that is applied to every moment is not reduced by holding a higher perspective. The importance of every realization remains significant, no matter which perspective or vantage point you hold as an observer. Therefore, even the smallest realizations carry significant weight in your life and in the life of the collective, in the evolution of the collective: witnessing creative force in your life emerging and providing you with the motivation, the inspiration, the life force to create and recreate yourself, to express in the many ways you bring yourself to humanity, the destructive forces of nature of this duality expressing themselves with you and through you, breaking down that which is no longer required to create space for new openings and new experiences, both on an individual as well as on a collective level, so that new creative force can move in and utilize the space and the time to establish a new reality.

Therefore, consistent creation and destruction emerges within every individual, every collective, every cell, every atom. The smallest and the largest aspects of this reality go through creative and destructive cycles, occasionally meeting in a great balance moment where the creative and destructive force are equally harmonized. A moment of stillness, a moment of recollection, a moment of deep observational capacity.

This is such a moment. Allow yourself to seize this opportunity to expand beyond your interpretations, beyond your judgments of creation and destruction, to enter the states of this love of creation that provides for all aspects — creative and destructive, to witness the harmony and the balance momentarily established within you and outside of you.

Witnessing of this balance allows your mind, your heart and your body to find a balance as well. Even if it is momentarily established, you integrate this observation and this possibility of balance into your being. You hold the possibility of this balance as a state you can reach, a state that is accessible to you; no longer an aspect that you seek outside of you, yet available to you in moments like these.

In an expanded state of consciousness, in a moment deeply present, observing the movements of creation, observing that love of creation that consistently provides for all of life. The cycles on Earth, the cycles in the human form, will continue until the completion of this human experience. The intensity of the cycles will change according to the greater cycles that require completion, to the greater learnings that require finalization.

Yet even in the changing of the intensity of creative and destructive force, you will find your moments of balance, your ability to observe in this pure and neutral state of being. You will recognize that this state of being independent of the external circumstances, independent of the internal circumstances, provides you with a presence, with a life force, and with a love of life itself. A fuel for existence, a fuel for peace, a fuel for evolution right here, right now, for you.

This observational state expands your ability to receive the moment, expands your ability to receive this love of creation, expands your ability to transmute, to receive and apply the creative and the destructive forces of this creation more consciously, no longer being subjected blindly, unconsciously to the forces of this creation.

From the observer comes the conscious creator. The conscious creator does not just create outside of itself. First, it creates within — new perception, new observation, new realization, a new mental construct. Within its emotional center, a new state of being, new state of peace despite the many emotions, the ability to truly receive all emotions as they are and the beauty that they provide. The full spectrum of emotions equally held, and the ability to move and transmute through emotions with grace, allowing them to lead to realizations, allowing the heart to consistently be open to receive and transmit this love of creation without conditions.

As a conscious creator, you receive through this physical form all that is required to experience the human experience. All sensations received, understood, observed, transmuted and fueled for new action operating this vessel in the most aligned, in the most beautiful ways: thinking, feeling, speaking and acting accordingly, creating a new way of being from this new state of being.

You are in an emergent transformation to the greater capacities and the potential of your human form. This moment is merely a reminder of that possibility so that you remember. In your remembering, the collective has the opportunity to evolve and remember as well. A new wave of potential emerges merely from this very moment of all of you collectively observing the possibility and the potential the human form holds, balancing both light and dark, the creative destructive force of creation within you observed in its entire beauty.

Thank you for listening to our words. We will now commence with the adjustments.

[Adjustment work done.]

Thank you for receiving this gift of ours on your journey of evolution. This transmission is complete.
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